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Ocean; All about ocean


Aishath Nabaahathu Ahmed (Grade 6)

When you think of ocean, you will think how ocean is formed, the percentage of water and the color of it. The water is in form of ice at the poles and the mountains. Water is also found underground, It is the water ,which we use daily. Out of the total water available on this universe, there is 97% of it’s salty water which we cannot use. The sea appears blue or green it’s because, both blue and green lights from the sun. It reaches deep below the surface of water. Actually there is no color in sea water . It also reflects the color of  sky.

The majority of the water of this earth is available in the oceans. The ocean is divided into five main oceans. They are named as the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctic and Indian ocean. The largest ocean is the Pacific, which is the largest as well as the deepest ocean. Its average depth is some of 4,280m but the deepest point of this ocean is the Mariana trench is at the depth of 1,100m. The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean. The maximum depth is 5,500m. This ocean consists of just 1% of the earth’s available water.

The floor of the ocean has features similar to the is found on the earth. It also has mountain ranges, which are larger than those found on the earth, it also has valleys and volcanoes. The floor of the ocean looks more like a basin. The formation underneath changes very slowly. Because, there is no wind, rain or ice to tear them. The volcanoes underneath even burst and hot springs bubble in the depth of the ocean. There is a mountain which is 1,000metres taller than mount Everest.  Mauna kea is a volcano that rises in the pacific ocean to a height of 10,252kms from the sea bed. The sea-floor is dark as sunlight reaches only up to 200m from the sea surface.

The climate of the earth is influenced a lot by the oceans. The from the equator is transported towards the poles by the help of ocean currents. The winds, which blow over the ocean are either warmed or cool, hence, affecting the area over which they blow. The oceans also release huge amount of moisture. Which later fall as rain or snow.

The level of the oceans rise and fall depending upon the temperature of the earth. Because of the rising temperature, the snow of the mountains melt and hence the water level rises. The lowering temperature decreases the level of water in the oceans. Also, because of the global warming the levels of water in the oceans are rising.

If we want to stop sea rise or if we want ocean to be clean. We need to stop throwing plastic and clean oceans. And take care of oceans. The ocean’s floors are depth deep to challenger deepness. Sea water weights nearly 4.7 billion tons and holds 166 million tons of dissolved solids, comprising 140 million tons of common salt (sodium chloride) and 25 million tons of magnesium salts besides others, it is important and ocean is beautiful if we care it.

Reference: The information is collected from grade 6 English B book and Rohan Book Companies book titled ‘Things you need to know Oceans and Rivers’


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